

will mortgage lenders loan more than the purchase price of a home?

We are wanting to purchase a home but, we also want to add a shop/garage to the home soon after. Will mortgage lenders loan more than the purchase price for the purpose of home improvements, adding on, etc…..?


80% is the max they would ever lend.sounds as though the house your loking at would equire more work than it could possibly be worth to you. look elsewhere and stay within your means.


  1. Huntsman says:

    Those days are long, long gone – thank goodness
    No bank will do this for you – now there are regulations in place
    No loans for over the appraised value
    And.. you need a down payment

  2. Equality says:

    No they don’t lend more then 80% of the purchase price

  3. ANY WAY IS FINE says:

    NO. That is no longer done.

  4. Tricia says:

    80% is the max they would ever lend.sounds as though the house your loking at would equire more work than it could possibly be worth to you. look elsewhere and stay within your means.

  5. M W says:

    Lenders aren’t doing that anymore.

  6. Kevin says:

    Nope, not in this market.

  7. Realty Geek says:

    You could look into federal government grants for home improvement, which could be an option depending on your financial situation and the home you are looking at: http://www.realty101.com/federal-government-grants-for-home-improvements

    Good luck and hope this helps

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