Tag Archive: bank

What is best bank or mortgage company for home loan?

I do not have great credit history and would like to apply for a home loan to see if I qualify, but I want to know who is best to go threw for a good shot if my history is poor? Answer: Most lenders/banks have the same mortgage products, your ability to get a mortgage …

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My home mortgage was transferred to Fannie Mae last month. Why did my bank do this?

My loan was with Bank of America. Answer: Bank of America decided they needed additional money to lend, therefore they bundled a lot of mortgages they had to include yours and sold them to Fannie Mae, an agency formed by the federal government to purchase such mortgages. Bank of American might still service the mortgage …

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why are the Banks and mortgage companies crying about loses when all the home loans have mortgage insurance?

I dont see why they have loses, its the insurance companies that are losing. The Bank collects on the default loan and have the houses too! Answer: Actually, insurance companies have insurance. Ever hear of reinsurance? I know, it pissed me off to learn that as well. None of them are really losing which is …

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What bank can i apply to (no application fee) for a first time home buyer mortgage loan?

Answer: Ask different mortgage brokers. But, really, I’m not aware of any that don’t charge an application fee, as well as various other fees. Some are so-called “trash fees,” others are legitimate. And an application fee is legitimate. Besides, don’t select your mortgage based on whether or not there’s an application fee, or the size …

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How many monthly payments do you have to miss before the mortgage lender attempts to Foreclose on a home?

The answer that was given was either misleading, uninformed or confused. The Mortgage Industury, which supports flipping of houses, has changed the law on the Federal level where they can take your home with one missed payment. I do not who this ‘expert’ is. I lived through it with National City Bank. I missed one …

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can the bank call in a /loan mortgage if I put my home in a living trust? my children are my beneficiaries?

will my children be protected by the gernain act of 1982 which excludes due on sale being inacted on mortgages when the home is left to children as the beneficiaries? Answer: You should consult a lawyer on this.

Will I get sued by my mortgage company if I foreclose on my home?

I live in Michigan, have a first mortgage through Citi Mortgage and a second through Webster Bank. If I foreclose on my home, will I get sued for the difference of what my house sells for and what I owe? Also, how does it work because I have two mortgages? Any info will be greatly …

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I want to buy a new home. My downpayment will come from sale of my home.Can i obtain a mortgage this way?

I want to buy a new home. My downpayment will come from sale of my home.Can i obtain a mortgage this way or do I need a seperate downpayment before the sale of my exisiting home? Answer: Yes Consult a broker and the bank where you are getting your laon from. You would need to …

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where do I find a 1st mortgage on my home with fair credit score?

local bank turned us down, only need ,000 on home that has no mortgage and will appraise for at least ,000. late payments were over a year old bankruptcy is 5 years old Answer: I got My Loan from Five stars Loan Company they help I have bad Credit a guy name Chris Burns Good …

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