Tag Archive: closing

What happens to your mortgage if you sell your home for less than you owe?

We would like to move into a bigger home. We live in a small condo that we paid a lot for. We will never get as much for it as we owe for our loan, but we have out grown it. We are not in a foreclosure situation because we are making the payments on …

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Can a veteran get help with closing costs to refinance a home mortgage loan?

Answer: Try this, Its good http://mortgagerefinancingatlowrate.blogspot.com/

Why do they charge so much for a home mortgage? If they are already getting the loan why do I pay closing cost

The mortgage institution will be making hundreds of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan in interest therefore the closing cost should be “0″ Ex. You can get a credit card (loan) and is free, they will make money on the interest Answer: Most of the closing costs goto those people that provide …

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Do you still owe late payments on a mortgage after the home sells?

If you sell your home for enough money to pay back the principal balance on your mortgage, do you still owe the payments you are delinquent with at the closing? Answer: You will not receive a “satisfaction of mortgage” unless all fees are paid.

Do you have any experience, good or bad, with Quicken Loans for home mortgage?

Please tell me your experiences in dealing with them…Getting ready to close soon & want your opinions. Answer: Countrywide tries their best to force people into foreclosure. Since you are so close to closing, see if you can get a clause in your mortgage to NOT have your loan sold to Countrywide.

Do you have any experience, good or bad, with Quicken Loans for home mortgage?

Please tell me your experiences in dealing with them…Getting ready to close soon & want your opinions. Answer: Countrywide tries their best to force people into foreclosure. Since you are so close to closing, see if you can get a clause in your mortgage to NOT have your loan sold to Countrywide.

im in prosess of selling my home will my mortgage arrears be disclosed to the buyer?

i have just sold my home and was just wondering in my mortgage arrears or any other personal info will be disclosed to the buyer .. the purchasing amount will cover all arrears fees ect . Answer: Your loan payoff will be on your closing statement. The fact that you are in arrears may be …

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Has anyone recently used Chase Bank to secure a new home mortgage as a Union Member(teacher,cop,ff)?

Im researching a home mortgage through Chase Bank and since I am a member of a union, their discounted rate for bank closing costs is only 0 along with a 5 application fee. Is this a deal, is it worth choosing Chase? Answer: My friend had a similar deal and he saved lot of money. …

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Closing Costs – What charges can be deducted from closing costs when refinancing a home mortgage?

Answer: Not sure what you mean. Do you mean, what costs are deductible on your income tax at the end of the year? Sad answer is, practically nothing. If something is clearly identified as ‘points’, then you can deduct a pro-rated amount over the life of the mortgage – for example, 1/30 of them each …

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What is a purchase proration on a good faith estimate of a home mortgage loan?

My lender’s estimate has a line item called purchase proration for over 00. I am wondering what this is…. Answer: real estate taxes probably. but that seems high. why would buyer have to pay in so much in real estate taxes at closing since you have not lived there yet? Are taxes paid in advance …

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