Tag Archive: companies

why are the Banks and mortgage companies crying about loses when all the home loans have mortgage insurance?

I dont see why they have loses, its the insurance companies that are losing. The Bank collects on the default loan and have the houses too! Answer: Actually, insurance companies have insurance. Ever hear of reinsurance? I know, it pissed me off to learn that as well. None of them are really losing which is …

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what do home field inspectors charge mortgage companies and banks to inspect the exterior of a home with photo?

Commonly referred to as a driveby inspection. You look over the property on the outside only and fill out an assessemnt report on the visual condition of the home and take a few pictures. That is all you do. Answer: I would say that the charge is something in between to 0. But this rate …

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Home mortgage life insurance for a soldier that doesn’t have a clause for being kia?

Gruesome thought but a necessary one since the 0k-taxes doled out after a soldier gets killed doesn’t even touch a home mortgage cost in california or a family w/ 3 children who still need to grow up. thanks for the ans. everybody. If u have any more ideas pls. let me know. After calling x …

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Are there any good online home mortgage companies?

Answer: Go to bankrate.com and take a look at companies that serve your area as well as online ones.

Can I change mortgage companies half way through purchasing a home?

I am purchasing a new home. We are going through our credit union with a locked in 6.375% rate. Rates are now 5.75%. We are thinking of trying to switch to a mortgage broker so that we can get out of the locked rate and get the 5.75%. Can this be done? Closing is Sept …

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Anyone know of a work at home position with a Reverse Mortgage company?

I learned about reverse mortgages in Fl, Now in TX and would like find a company that allows you to work in my home office. Answer: Contat them in person. This is how you find a work at home job. Look around your area of local companies and banks that do this. Ask for an …

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what mortgage companies in washington state will approve you for a home loan with a recent bankruptcy?

i have a good job, ive been rebuilding my credit for 3 months with a car purchase and credit card, have a good debt/income ratio. filed chapter 7 and debts were discharged 9 months ago. looking for a mortgage company that will approve a home loan with less than 2 years from bankruptcy Answer:

Is there a 10yr mortgage for home loans?

There are some good bargains here in my area, I want to purchase a 80k home and put a down payment of 50k,but i want a short of a home loan as possible. I want to pay it off fast because I will be retirig in a couple of yrs, As of now im debt …

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looking for a legitimate mortgage broker home based business?

are there any companies out there that hire people to look for home mortgage loans for them and pay a finders fee or a percentage for finding those that need a home mortgage Answer: Here is a page that lists all books that could help you start your own mortgage brokering business. I suggest you …

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What is the lowest amount of money a loan mortgage will allow on a home loan?

i.e. 40,000 mortgage or 140,000 mortgage. In other words I want to buy a home for 20,000 will a morgage company give a loan for that amount? Is there a based amount for mortgage companies? I live in NC area if that helps Answer: Here in Forest City , N.C. a bank or mortgage company …

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