Tag Archive: company

What is best bank or mortgage company for home loan?

I do not have great credit history and would like to apply for a home loan to see if I qualify, but I want to know who is best to go threw for a good shot if my history is poor? Answer: Most lenders/banks have the same mortgage products, your ability to get a mortgage …

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If your house is confiscated by the federal government for drugs in the home, and you have a reverse mortgage?

My mother-in-laws two sons living in her home are heroin users, she has applied for a reverse mortgage, if her house is confiscated by the federal government, who pays off this loan to the finance company? Answer: Your mother-in-law will be sued by the mortgage company for the amount of the loan. She’ll be paying …

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If I foreclose on a rental property, can a mortgage company come after my other home?

if I currently own a home, and rent it out, then purchase another home to live in, and after a year the renters move out, and I can’t make the payments, and am forced to foreclose on my rental, can the mortgage company come after my new home? I live in MD. Answer: Yes, if …

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mortgage company trying to take my home, i have paid all my monthly mortgages and they still are trying to tak?

i need someone to help me fight the mortgage company to keep my home, who would that be? Answer: it makes no sense – what are you leaving out?

Does being on the mortgage only mean I own the home?

I have separated and want to buy a home of my own but need to be a first time home owner to qualify for the loan. Did i actually own the home if i was never on the deed but only on the mortgage? He has recently refinanced and i am no longer on the …

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When buying a home, what is the best lender to use for a mortgage?

I will buy my first home, and I want to get the best mortgage available. Answer: Wells Fargo is good because they are an actual lender – they aren’t going to sell your mortgage to another company. They’ve got some good rates as well. The other one to consider is Citibank.

Will I get sued by my mortgage company if I foreclose on my home?

I live in Michigan, have a first mortgage through Citi Mortgage and a second through Webster Bank. If I foreclose on my home, will I get sued for the difference of what my house sells for and what I owe? Also, how does it work because I have two mortgages? Any info will be greatly …

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What happens if mortgage company for investment home files Proof of claim in Bankruptcy case in Maryland.?

I am considering filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy in Maryland. I will have to do a chapter 13 because I have too much equity in my primary home to file a chapter 7. I have an investment property that I will agree to surrender in the Chapter 13. What will the trustee do if the …

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Can I sue the mortgage company that qualified me for a home loan?

When me and my husband purchased our home we were green to the whole buying process. We found a mortgage company that would qualify us for a home loan, we were just happy to finally have our home, needless to say two years later we wanted to refinance our home and we find out we …

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