i.e. 40,000 mortgage or 140,000 mortgage. In other words I want to buy a home for 20,000 will a morgage company give a loan for that amount? Is there a based amount for mortgage companies? I live in NC area if that helps Answer: Here in Forest City , N.C. a bank or mortgage company …
Tag Archive: give
Would you give up your home mortgage deduction in favor of a Flat Tax?
I see that more of us on the left are coming around on flat tax. Now it seems most of the C0ns are backing off in favor of provisional and privileged tax status of the well-off. Complexity favors the rich and now the cats out of the bag! http://www.ppionline.org/ppi_ci.cfm?contentid=1398&knlgAreaID=125&subsecid=163 Answer: I would for the FAIR …
Is there a way I can find out if my father has done a reverse mortgage on his home.?
My father has recently decided to be a part of my life. He claims to be leaving his home to me when he passes (the same home which he threw my mother, myself, brother and sisters out of on the the streets at an early age). I have heard rumors that he has recently done …
Should I help my home buyer find a mortgage at MY bank?
I was wondering if my current mortgage holder would be more motivated to give my potential home buyer a loan than some other bank would. If I sell my house but the buyer uses some OTHER bank MY bank looses the income from holding the mortgage. So would the buyer have an easier time getting …
Can you put all your Home Mortgage interest on Schedule A instead of 8829 if it will give a better tax benefit?
This is a self-rental to my C Corp. so I do have rental income. However I cannot deduct the Schedule E loss on the rental created by the allocated interest. Answer: Form 8829 is only for use with a Schedule C sole proprietor business. You also may be able to deduct business use of home …
How do i refinance my home loan/mortgage?
My mother used a “VA” loan to pay for our home. the interest rate is above 6% and she is looking to refinance to a lower rate. Now i watch many (money) shows but seein that i dont own a home, i never payed attention. Can you guys/gals give me a run-down of how to …
How do I get a mortgage, 1st time home buyer?
I am looking for a mortgage of 0,000 or possibly less. I have VERY bad credit. I am looking for a privet lender to lend me this money or some web site i can goto to get this loan that has privet lenders looking to loan the money. If you want to lend it to …
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