Tag Archive: house

What is best bank or mortgage company for home loan?

I do not have great credit history and would like to apply for a home loan to see if I qualify, but I want to know who is best to go threw for a good shot if my history is poor? Answer: Most lenders/banks have the same mortgage products, your ability to get a mortgage …

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If your house is confiscated by the federal government for drugs in the home, and you have a reverse mortgage?

My mother-in-laws two sons living in her home are heroin users, she has applied for a reverse mortgage, if her house is confiscated by the federal government, who pays off this loan to the finance company? Answer: Your mother-in-law will be sued by the mortgage company for the amount of the loan. She’ll be paying …

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What happens to a reverse mortgage after the person have to go to nursing home. How does that work?

What happens to a reverse mortgage after the person have to go to nursing home. How does that work? Answer: Generally, the loan ends when the homeowner dies, sells the house, or, depending on the loan conditions, moves out of the house for 12 consecutive months (for example, to go into an assisted living home …

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How or where can I go to sell my flood damaged home to get out of a mortgage?

We lived in upstate Ny in June 06′ our town had a major flood, My house had 14 ft of water inside… We didnt get any help from FEMA to rebuild. In Aug we had to move to Pa due job change. We still owe the banks alot of money We bought the home in …

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Is it better to borrow against home equity when you still have a first mortgage?

Our house will be paid off next year. We have some major home improvements to do in the near future. Will borrowing costs be more if we borrow against the equity after the first mortgage is paid off, or does it matter? Answer: It all depends on the specific terms. Sounds like you have tons …

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If you buy a home on a mortgage, do you have to keep it until it’s paid off?

I am thinking of buying a house on a mortgage, but I am quite reluctant to do so. Do I have to keep the house through the full term of the mortgage, or can I still sell it midway through? Answer: you can sell it at anytime, but once you sell it the proceeds from …

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Will I get sued by my mortgage company if I foreclose on my home?

I live in Michigan, have a first mortgage through Citi Mortgage and a second through Webster Bank. If I foreclose on my home, will I get sued for the difference of what my house sells for and what I owe? Also, how does it work because I have two mortgages? Any info will be greatly …

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How much equity does someone have to have in their home in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage?

My elderly family member owns a home (paid it off years ago) but now has a line of credit against the house for 100K. I am concerned that this member of my family is running out of money and will need a reverse mortgage in the next year or two as they will require an …

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Currently selling home, but want mortgage now to build second home?

I am currently selling my house due to divorce. I own land outright worth 65,000 that I want to build on. I have 180,000 cash for a down payment on a construction loan so I only need to borrow 40,000. SInce I already have a mortgage attached to my name (the place I am selling) …

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Is it best to buy a house if I have enough money are is it best to make monthly mortgage payments on the home?

I have enough money to just buy me a house but im not sure if I should just buy the house are make monthly mortgage payments. This is my first time buying a home so im not sure. I look at it like if I go ahead and buy the home that’s one less bill …

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