Tag Archive: live

If I foreclose on a rental property, can a mortgage company come after my other home?

if I currently own a home, and rent it out, then purchase another home to live in, and after a year the renters move out, and I can’t make the payments, and am forced to foreclose on my rental, can the mortgage company come after my new home? I live in MD. Answer: Yes, if …

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Will I get sued by my mortgage company if I foreclose on my home?

I live in Michigan, have a first mortgage through Citi Mortgage and a second through Webster Bank. If I foreclose on my home, will I get sued for the difference of what my house sells for and what I owe? Also, how does it work because I have two mortgages? Any info will be greatly …

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can I buy a foreclosed home while I have a first and second mortgage?

I know the market is not good for selling, but I am trying to get rid of my second mortgage, which is not too big, and get a better home at the same time. I mean I am intending on selling my home. I won’t buy another home and continue to live in my own; …

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Who can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes for a home residence.?

I live in my sons home and I pay all the mortgage and property taxes. Can I use the deductions or must it be the owner? thank you. Answer: The legal owner of the home that has been used as collateral to secure the mortgage for the home and makes the payments would be the …

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how should we get home mortgage when we have 4 years valid visa to live in uk? and what do we need to have?

my spouse is a student of glamorgan university and has a good income from our country and its 9 mounth that i’m working full time in the airport, so how can we apply to buy a house? Answer: I thought, depending on your country of origin that you could apply for a permanent visa after …

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What is the lowest amount of money a loan mortgage will allow on a home loan?

i.e. 40,000 mortgage or 140,000 mortgage. In other words I want to buy a home for 20,000 will a morgage company give a loan for that amount? Is there a based amount for mortgage companies? I live in NC area if that helps Answer: Here in Forest City , N.C. a bank or mortgage company …

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i need help in getting my home mortgage paid through a Charity or someone Else i live in ohio?

i am behind on my mortage payment because my husband lost his job i just need to see if their is somewhere i can get help Answer: every one in the world would love to have their mortgage paid by some else!!! talk to your lender and explain your position,, they may defer or reduce …

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When the assessed value of my home goes down, how is my mortgage affected?

When I bought my home, it was assessed at 90k. Now, two years later, the assessed value has dropped to 74k. Should I notify my mortgage company? Would it help me, or hurt me? This assessment is from the county property tax assessor. Answer: Unless you live in a depressed area, and with todays good …

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what happens in a home equity default when the 1st mortgage is current?

If I can not pay a home equity line of credit with one bank but I continue to pay the 1st mortgage what action does the home equity line of credit holder take? Both loans are up to date, but I will be unable to pay the HELOC much longer. I do not live in …

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We would like to rent our primary mortgage and purchase a second home?

We are interested in renting out our current home and purchasing a second home to live in. What kind of financial requirements are there in order to finance the second home? (The first home is not paid off, the rent would cover the mortgage) I do know that we have to have 20% down, but …

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