Tag Archive: looking

what mortgage companies in washington state will approve you for a home loan with a recent bankruptcy?

i have a good job, ive been rebuilding my credit for 3 months with a car purchase and credit card, have a good debt/income ratio. filed chapter 7 and debts were discharged 9 months ago. looking for a mortgage company that will approve a home loan with less than 2 years from bankruptcy Answer:

if i take out a home equity loan now will this loan affect me if i want to refinance my mortgage.?

I have 24 years left on 30 year mortgage. I am thinking about a home equity loan at a favorable rate, rather than roll in to refinance consolidation. If rates are favorable later this year i may like to refinance 1st mortgage at 15 years. Will home equity loan affect my refinancing even if i …

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I know what I want my monthly mortgage to be. How much home can I afford?

Most mortgage calculators omit escrow, so your actual mortgage ends up considerably more than what the calculator says it will be. So I am looking for a mortgage calculator that lets me plug in a monthly mortgage payment inclusive of estimated escrow and shows me, based on estimated tax and insurance amounts, the price range …

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home mortgage investment loan?

We are looking to invest in a fixer upper and are looking for a mortgage investment loan. Countrywide and Ditech are requesting 20-30% downpayment and we are looking to keep the down payment as low as possible. is this typical for everyone or is there someone out there with less requirements? Answer: You should call …

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looking for a legitimate mortgage broker home based business?

are there any companies out there that hire people to look for home mortgage loans for them and pay a finders fee or a percentage for finding those that need a home mortgage Answer: Here is a page that lists all books that could help you start your own mortgage brokering business. I suggest you …

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Taking out a 3rd mortgage for a 2nd home?

We already have a home that has 2 mortgages on it already. The 2nd one is due to the fact that we put an addition on the house. Now we are looking to purchase a 2nd home but aren’t quite sure if we would qualify. Any thoughts on this? Answer: How about if you pay …

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What company is the best to get a mortgage for a first time home buyer?

I don’t like or trust bank but i looking to find out what are the best companies to get a mortgage for buying our first home. Answer: Depending on your credit and downpayment situation, you’d probably want to look for a lender that offers FHA mortgages. FHA mortgages issed by lenders and insured by the …

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Has anyone ever used Earth Mortgage for a home loan?

I am buying a house and looking for a loan. I put my information on Lowermybills.com and received multiple phone calls. The one that sounded the best to me was Earth Mortgage. They are at about 6.25 for a 5/1 arm interest only. This is above bankrate.com’s rate, but I still feel uncomfortable. They have …

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I’m looking to refinance my mortgage, I have 96 months left to pay on my existing one and i have a home equity

line of credit.Im wondering if I should just refinance the mortgage only? the mortgage and home equity together?I have an 8.25 interest rate on the first mortgage,7.20 on the equity, I was looking into an enhanced refinancing option.Also i took the equity to fix/remodel some of the house,if i add that to the refinancing I …

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Looking to buy first home mortgage ?

We are buying our first home and are wondering if we can take a mortgage on more than what the house is selling for to do some renovations and buy some appliances and needed furniture. If so please give some details and if it a different loan completely please name it. Answer: NOT unless your …

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