Tag Archive: lower

questions about refinancing home mortgage? ?

with the fed cutting the rates so low, now would be a good time to think about refinancing right? my mortgage interest rate is currently 6.25 fixed, i think we owe about ,000 on it. my husband and i have excellent credit, and we’ve been in our home for 5 years. would refinancing lower our …

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Is it better to pay your home taxes & insurance yourself or let the mortgage pay it?

Right now our home taxes & insurance are spread out through each month. Would it save any money if we just pay it ourselves each year instead of spreading it through the mortgage? I know it would obviously lower our monthly payments but I mean is there any other way it would be better. I’m …

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I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?

With the average mortgage rates dropping, I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of time you have to pay on your mortgage before you can refinance? 1 year? Answer: You can refinance now. There is no set time you have to wait unless you have a pre-payment penalty on your existing loan. Refinancing …

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Can I change mortgage companies half way through purchasing a home?

I am purchasing a new home. We are going through our credit union with a locked in 6.375% rate. Rates are now 5.75%. We are thinking of trying to switch to a mortgage broker so that we can get out of the locked rate and get the 5.75%. Can this be done? Closing is Sept …

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What’s a good approach to refinance home mortgage?

Answer: Shop around for your best rates.Some companies may offer you an even lower rate if your credit history is good.Also shop for one with no fees on refinancing. Theyre out there, you just have to look.

Can I refinance my home if I have less than 20% equity with my mortgage and home equity loan combined?

The value of my home has declined but I would like to get a lower interest rate, especially on the home equity loan. Help. Answer: hmm… not sure if they’ll refi you, but I called my bank and asked for a loan modification and dropped my interest rate a couple points.. I only went out …

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How the mortgage loan audit can save home?

Will the mortgage loan save my home…How to implement it and tell mw the ways to follow Answer: When your lender finds out you have our audit lending violations, they are often willing to work with you to lower your mortgage payment..Many homeowners who were approved and financed through subprime ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) and …

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Why don’t we have a 50 year fixed rate home mortgage to lower monthly payments and prevent more foreclosures?

Answer: Some Lenders (Argent) did offer 50 yrs. mortgage, but they were sub-prime lenders and most of this bank are out of business. In fact at one ponit many years ago, a Lender use to offer 100 yr. mortgage. We had a loan officer that came accross a client that had a 100 yr. mortgage.

How can a refinance home mortgage help me?

Answer: It can be used for many reasons. It can be used to lower your interest rate which will lead to a cheaper payment. In many cases if you’ve had your mortgage long enought if you refinance you will be making payments on a smaller loan amount therefore makiing cheaper payments. It can also be …

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