Tag Archive: need

mortgage company trying to take my home, i have paid all my monthly mortgages and they still are trying to tak?

i need someone to help me fight the mortgage company to keep my home, who would that be? Answer: it makes no sense – what are you leaving out?

Should I take out a home-equity line of credit to pay down my mortgage to eliminate PMI?

My husband and I are currently paying PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) on our mortgage. (We have no second mortgages.) I know we need twenty percent equity in order to eliminate PMI, but I don’t think we’re quite there. Is taking out a home-equity line of credit to pay down the mortage a good idea? I …

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Home mortgage life insurance for a soldier that doesn’t have a clause for being kia?

Gruesome thought but a necessary one since the 0k-taxes doled out after a soldier gets killed doesn’t even touch a home mortgage cost in california or a family w/ 3 children who still need to grow up. thanks for the ans. everybody. If u have any more ideas pls. let me know. After calling x …

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Does being on the mortgage only mean I own the home?

I have separated and want to buy a home of my own but need to be a first time home owner to qualify for the loan. Did i actually own the home if i was never on the deed but only on the mortgage? He has recently refinanced and i am no longer on the …

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How much equity does someone have to have in their home in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage?

My elderly family member owns a home (paid it off years ago) but now has a line of credit against the house for 100K. I am concerned that this member of my family is running out of money and will need a reverse mortgage in the next year or two as they will require an …

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How long do you need to wait after filing bankruptcy for a Home Path Mortgage?


Currently selling home, but want mortgage now to build second home?

I am currently selling my house due to divorce. I own land outright worth 65,000 that I want to build on. I have 180,000 cash for a down payment on a construction loan so I only need to borrow 40,000. SInce I already have a mortgage attached to my name (the place I am selling) …

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How to qualify for a Home mortgage?

Answer: so first of all, you need to have some money for the down payment. There are some zero down payment loan but you need to have excellent credit score. so you will need to have at least 5% for down payment You will need to have two years of steady employment, if you change …

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Can you still qualify for a home equity loan if you behind on mortgage payments?

I’m behind on mortgage payments because, i’m going through a loan modification, but i need money to pay for school, will i be able to still get a home equity loan. Because my credit is not amazing. Answer: No. That’s the FIRST thing a lender will check before granting a home equity loan. If the …

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Is a silent 2nd mortgage included when determining the equity in a home?

I bought my home with a silent 2nd mortgage and I need to know how much equity I have in my home. Should I determine the equity with the 2nd mortgage added to the price? Answer: your equity in home is the value of house minus all mortgages and liens.

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