Tag Archive: order

What is best bank or mortgage company for home loan?

I do not have great credit history and would like to apply for a home loan to see if I qualify, but I want to know who is best to go threw for a good shot if my history is poor? Answer: Most lenders/banks have the same mortgage products, your ability to get a mortgage …

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Should I take out a home-equity line of credit to pay down my mortgage to eliminate PMI?

My husband and I are currently paying PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) on our mortgage. (We have no second mortgages.) I know we need twenty percent equity in order to eliminate PMI, but I don’t think we’re quite there. Is taking out a home-equity line of credit to pay down the mortage a good idea? I …

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How much equity does someone have to have in their home in order to qualify for a reverse mortgage?

My elderly family member owns a home (paid it off years ago) but now has a line of credit against the house for 100K. I am concerned that this member of my family is running out of money and will need a reverse mortgage in the next year or two as they will require an …

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can I buy a foreclosed home while I have a first and second mortgage?

I know the market is not good for selling, but I am trying to get rid of my second mortgage, which is not too big, and get a better home at the same time. I mean I am intending on selling my home. I won’t buy another home and continue to live in my own; …

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Name on home title, but not on mortgage. Can I still get tax deduction/write off?

My brother and I are buying a house together in CA. Since he has a higher credit score, we are using only his name on the mortgage application but both our names will be on the home title. Am I still eligible to get tax write off (interest) or is he only able to do …

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We would like to rent our primary mortgage and purchase a second home?

We are interested in renting out our current home and purchasing a second home to live in. What kind of financial requirements are there in order to finance the second home? (The first home is not paid off, the rent would cover the mortgage) I do know that we have to have 20% down, but …

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I am a home owner (mortgage holder) and I am interested in letting some friends “rent to own” my house.

What kind of contract do I need to draw up in order to legally do this? Also, how can I get around the option consideration fee? I would like to come up with a simple rent to own agreement, but I am unsure of how to do this. Do I need to consult a lawyer? …

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What is the difference between home loan mortgage insurance(from mortgage co.) and Home insurance(that i buy)?

i was told today by a loan officer,that in order to get a fha loan, i needed to buy home loan morgage insurance. which is to cover them if something happens to me if i can’t pay. i told them i have home insurance already (which i have to show to them proof of every …

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If you go halves in a mortgage for a home that you are both living in, does your name need to go on the title?

My partner has a mortgage on a home that i am now living in as well, we are going to refinance and go halves. Does my name have to go on to the title as well in order to get the mortgage, if i don’t go on the title but still pay the mortgage where …

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