Tag Archive: possible

Is it possible to get someone to take over the mortgage on you home?

Kind of like deeding it over to the person, like when you have someone take over payments on a car? Or is the only way to do it is to have them qualify for a loan and you sell the home to them? Answer: If you have a VA loan and you are selling to …

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What Tips for Home Mortgage?

i want make home mortgage,but i want know what tips for home mortgage.can someone share with me what tips before make home mortgage. Answer: 1.Research your possible lenders – If you are already decided on buying a home, then perhaps you better do some reading about the requirements of many banks and financial institutions regarding …

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Is there a 10yr mortgage for home loans?

There are some good bargains here in my area, I want to purchase a 80k home and put a down payment of 50k,but i want a short of a home loan as possible. I want to pay it off fast because I will be retirig in a couple of yrs, As of now im debt …

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What will happen to the mortgage and home equity loans if the mortgagee left the country for good?

I have a friend who is very desperate because of all the debts, shortsale/foreclosure of his house, mounting credit card bills, etc, want to just leave the country for good to start anew. What would be the possible consequences of this? Will it clear all his debts, if he comes back to the US after …

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Is it possible to get a mortgage for a single family investment home under the credit of a corporation or LLC?

Is it possible to get a mortgage for a single family investment home (non owner occupied) under the credit of a corporation, LLC or Trust alone..If so what are the requirements and what lenders do this? Thanks! Answer: It is possible if the lender thinks there is enough assets in the entity to pay off …

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home mortgage investment loan?

We are looking to invest in a fixer upper and are looking for a mortgage investment loan. Countrywide and Ditech are requesting 20-30% downpayment and we are looking to keep the down payment as low as possible. is this typical for everyone or is there someone out there with less requirements? Answer: You should call …

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Is a foreign currency mortgage a possibility for my future home?

I may possibly buy a home in the next couple of years depending on if I find what I like for the right price. I was wondering if a foreign currency mortgage is something that many people opt for and if it would be worth my time to research. Is there a chance for substantial …

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What is best to move out and rent or save for a mortgage at home, i am 29 and feel i need to make a break?

I have felt for a long time imprisoned at home, there has been some conflicts. I dont know what the best solution is to move out on my own and experience those joys, or to stay at home and save for a year and a half for a deposit for a home of my own. …

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I’m waiting to hear if I am approved for a home mortgage by the end of the week.?

I know the final approval will come after the appraisal. Is it possible that my credit and background checked out and now the bank is going to see if the loan amount is worth the house? Answer: THe loan is in underwriting now, it sounds like this is the first underwriting decision, so right now …

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Can you transfer your existing mortgage from home to home?

I have no experience in the real estate business. So I was wondering: If you want to sell your house and buy another house of equal or lesser value, is it possible to somehow just “transfer” your mortgage over to the other house (keeping the same rate) and not have to get a completely new …

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