Tag Archive: property

If I foreclose on a rental property, can a mortgage company come after my other home?

if I currently own a home, and rent it out, then purchase another home to live in, and after a year the renters move out, and I can’t make the payments, and am forced to foreclose on my rental, can the mortgage company come after my new home? I live in MD. Answer: Yes, if …

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what do home field inspectors charge mortgage companies and banks to inspect the exterior of a home with photo?

Commonly referred to as a driveby inspection. You look over the property on the outside only and fill out an assessemnt report on the visual condition of the home and take a few pictures. That is all you do. Answer: I would say that the charge is something in between to 0. But this rate …

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Why is home mortgage interest a tax deductible?

Answer: Because the Gummint wants people to own homes. (Actually, the Gummint wants people to own expensive homes to pay property taxes on.)

What Tips for Home Mortgage?

i want make home mortgage,but i want know what tips for home mortgage.can someone share with me what tips before make home mortgage. Answer: 1.Research your possible lenders – If you are already decided on buying a home, then perhaps you better do some reading about the requirements of many banks and financial institutions regarding …

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If you buy a home on a mortgage, do you have to keep it until it’s paid off?

I am thinking of buying a house on a mortgage, but I am quite reluctant to do so. Do I have to keep the house through the full term of the mortgage, or can I still sell it midway through? Answer: you can sell it at anytime, but once you sell it the proceeds from …

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What happens if mortgage company for investment home files Proof of claim in Bankruptcy case in Maryland.?

I am considering filing a chapter 13 bankruptcy in Maryland. I will have to do a chapter 13 because I have too much equity in my primary home to file a chapter 7. I have an investment property that I will agree to surrender in the Chapter 13. What will the trustee do if the …

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Home mortgage, what’s better? paying down the principal, or putting money in escrow?

I’ve been paying a couple of hundred extra on the principal to get the balance down. Is there any advantage to putting money in escrow? Could I do both? I have a chance to throw extra cash at my mortgage, how should I do it? Answer: Hi, The only advantage with adding to escrow is …

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If you have a mortgage on your home, can you answer “no” to the the question: Do you own a home?

Trying to reduce the amount of assets on the FAFSA worksheet. If you have a mortgage on your home, legally do you or your lender own the home? I’m not trying to cheat the system, just trying to find some legal angles to take advantage of. Answer: Legally, YOU own the home. The lender “owns” …

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Boyfriend stop paying second mortgage, and now they are trying to take home what can I do, first mortgage paid

I pay first mortgage on time and taxes on time so how can I keep my home . Answer: Mrs Power, The basic right of the second trust deed holder is to acquire the property subject only to the superior rights of the first trust deed holder. You will have to refinance your 2nd. trust …

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Has anyone ever heard of a mortgage lender declining a loan because the home has geo thermal ?

Three days before closing on our property, the lender decided that they would decline the loan as they noticed in the appraisal (that they had possession of for 5 weeks) that the home has geo-thermal. Our real estate agent and mortgage broker were both surprised by this. Has anyone else had this experience? Answer: Odd, …

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