Tag Archive: refinance

questions about refinancing home mortgage? ?

with the fed cutting the rates so low, now would be a good time to think about refinancing right? my mortgage interest rate is currently 6.25 fixed, i think we owe about ,000 on it. my husband and i have excellent credit, and we’ve been in our home for 5 years. would refinancing lower our …

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Can I sue the mortgage company that qualified me for a home loan?

When me and my husband purchased our home we were green to the whole buying process. We found a mortgage company that would qualify us for a home loan, we were just happy to finally have our home, needless to say two years later we wanted to refinance our home and we find out we …

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I just took out my first mortgage on a home. How long do I have to wait before I can refi for a lower rate?

With the average mortgage rates dropping, I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of time you have to pay on your mortgage before you can refinance? 1 year? Answer: You can refinance now. There is no set time you have to wait unless you have a pre-payment penalty on your existing loan. Refinancing …

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Boyfriend stop paying second mortgage, and now they are trying to take home what can I do, first mortgage paid

I pay first mortgage on time and taxes on time so how can I keep my home . Answer: Mrs Power, The basic right of the second trust deed holder is to acquire the property subject only to the superior rights of the first trust deed holder. You will have to refinance your 2nd. trust …

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my mom has recently past away and she has left me her home, the problem is she has a reverse mortgage?

she has a reverse mortgage on the home. what can i do? Answer: You refinance the property and repay the mortgage, or use other funds from her estate to pay it.

Can I refinance my mortgage and home equity line of credit together?

For example, I take both loans and refinance them together as 1 loan with a 30 year loan? Answer: Sure….as long as your value in your home has not depreciated under the amount that you owe.

if i take out a home equity loan now will this loan affect me if i want to refinance my mortgage.?

I have 24 years left on 30 year mortgage. I am thinking about a home equity loan at a favorable rate, rather than roll in to refinance consolidation. If rates are favorable later this year i may like to refinance 1st mortgage at 15 years. Will home equity loan affect my refinancing even if i …

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Best way to refinance mortgage/home equity line and remove co-borrower?

1st = 0K @ 5.62% 2nd = M @ 6.20% Home equity is 5K @ 7.2% Hoping to have just two loans. Conforming 7K and Home equity that would allow up to 2M in total debt so Home equity loan = M. Something like that. House is worth 0 or so……. I want to get …

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What’s a good approach to refinance home mortgage?

Answer: Shop around for your best rates.Some companies may offer you an even lower rate if your credit history is good.Also shop for one with no fees on refinancing. Theyre out there, you just have to look.

I’m looking to refinance my mortgage, I have 96 months left to pay on my existing one and i have a home equity

line of credit.Im wondering if I should just refinance the mortgage only? the mortgage and home equity together?I have an 8.25 interest rate on the first mortgage,7.20 on the equity, I was looking into an enhanced refinancing option.Also i took the equity to fix/remodel some of the house,if i add that to the refinancing I …

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