I am applying for a110,000.00 mortgage am putting 70,000.00 down and financing 40,000.00.My credit is not very good. I mean it’s not the worst ,but poor.Do you think I can get financed for 40,000.00. Answer: You didn’t mention what your debt to income ratio is. You didn’t mention how much you make a year. You …
Tag Archive: work
What happens to a reverse mortgage after the person have to go to nursing home. How does that work?
What happens to a reverse mortgage after the person have to go to nursing home. How does that work? Answer: Generally, the loan ends when the homeowner dies, sells the house, or, depending on the loan conditions, moves out of the house for 12 consecutive months (for example, to go into an assisted living home …
How does two party check work made out to home owner and mortgage company for home repairs needed?
Any help on how it works and how homeowner gets money to pay repairs if both are on check. And what happens to additional money if not all money is needed on repairs Answer: call your mortgage company and ask them how they’d like to handle the situation. it may be that they’ll open a …
how much of a home(rent or mortgage) is tax deductable if you work from your home?
i want to work from from home/apt., but want to know what or how much is the rent going to be deductible. Answer: You should have a part of your home exclusively for business use. For that part, you can deduct rent and utilities as itemized deduction.
Will I get sued by my mortgage company if I foreclose on my home?
I live in Michigan, have a first mortgage through Citi Mortgage and a second through Webster Bank. If I foreclose on my home, will I get sued for the difference of what my house sells for and what I owe? Also, how does it work because I have two mortgages? Any info will be greatly …
Can my small home business pay a percentage of my mortgage payment?
I work from home and my business literally takes up 2 out of 4 bedrooms, plus my 10 x 12 storage unit I had built. Can I have the business pay a portion (maybe 25%) of my monthly mortgage. Kinda like a rent schedule. Thanks Answer: Well I suppose it will depend on the tax …
Anyone know of a work at home position with a Reverse Mortgage company?
I learned about reverse mortgages in Fl, Now in TX and would like find a company that allows you to work in my home office. Answer: Contat them in person. This is how you find a work at home job. Look around your area of local companies and banks that do this. Ask for an …
Has anyone used an online mortgage company to work from home and do they really pay?
I have been approached by online mortgage companies to work from my home. I am skeptical of the promises of more loans for less money. Has anyone ever done this type of work before; and what was your experience with them? Answer: I have not worked for any, but know a couple. It really depends …
What is best to move out and rent or save for a mortgage at home, i am 29 and feel i need to make a break?
I have felt for a long time imprisoned at home, there has been some conflicts. I dont know what the best solution is to move out on my own and experience those joys, or to stay at home and save for a year and a half for a deposit for a home of my own. …
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