Tag Archive: years

If shantel and kwami made a downpayment of 20,000 on a 175,000 home, what would be their monthly mortgage paym?

If shantel and kwami made a downpayment of 20,000 on a 175,000 home, what would be their monthly mortgage payment assuming the finance for 25 years at 6.75%. How much would they save on each monthly payment by making the down payment? How much interest would they save over the life time of the loan? …

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Can I sue the mortgage company that qualified me for a home loan?

When me and my husband purchased our home we were green to the whole buying process. We found a mortgage company that would qualify us for a home loan, we were just happy to finally have our home, needless to say two years later we wanted to refinance our home and we find out we …

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How to qualify for a Home mortgage?

Answer: so first of all, you need to have some money for the down payment. There are some zero down payment loan but you need to have excellent credit score. so you will need to have at least 5% for down payment You will need to have two years of steady employment, if you change …

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Is it legal for a mortgage holding company to sell your home without your knowledge?

They sold my home after i have been paying on it for 5 years. 6 months ago did a home modification through the Obama home affordability program. One week prior to the home selling got a letter in the mail saying the home modification was denied after i had been paying the new amount detailed …

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Will our current mortgage lender automatically finance us for another home purchase?

We are moving and selling the first home. We are in good standing with the current mortgage company. We have lived here for almost 3 years- we have had two payments that have been a few days late. Also, will they keep us at our current interest rate? Answer: No, the rate will be based …

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what mortgage companies in washington state will approve you for a home loan with a recent bankruptcy?

i have a good job, ive been rebuilding my credit for 3 months with a car purchase and credit card, have a good debt/income ratio. filed chapter 7 and debts were discharged 9 months ago. looking for a mortgage company that will approve a home loan with less than 2 years from bankruptcy Answer:

What will happen to the mortgage and home equity loans if the mortgagee left the country for good?

I have a friend who is very desperate because of all the debts, shortsale/foreclosure of his house, mounting credit card bills, etc, want to just leave the country for good to start anew. What would be the possible consequences of this? Will it clear all his debts, if he comes back to the US after …

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Wanting a stick built home to replace Manufactured home on property, with a current mortgage?

I have a mortgage on 5 arces with a manufactured home and would like to know what is the best way to go about. I bought it appox. 3 years ago. What do I do with the Manufactured home. Do I use the equity to rebuild or should I save for a down payment. How …

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Does a having a private mortgage through family disqualify you for the 1st time home buyer tax credit?

For the past 4 years I have been buying my home from my uncle through an escrow service. The private mortgage does not show on my credit report, but I do claim the interest as a deduction on my taxes. I have placed that home on the market and I am purchasing another home. Will …

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Is a foreign currency mortgage a possibility for my future home?

I may possibly buy a home in the next couple of years depending on if I find what I like for the right price. I was wondering if a foreign currency mortgage is something that many people opt for and if it would be worth my time to research. Is there a chance for substantial …

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