Author: Margaret King
Soon after the thrill of getting your dream home comes the reality of paying your mortgage. Most people carry on with a traditional loan payment plan, not realizing the time and money-saving benefits that a biweekly mortgage payment strategy can offer. Many people wrongly assume that making biweekly …
Grocery shopping is one of those tasks you know you have to do, but don’t like to. The cost for a week’s worth of groceries for a family can be overwhelming. It doesn’t need to be. There are ways to cut the grocery costs down without reducing the …
Budgeting and staying out of debt. It’s one thing we can all benefit from improving on. We know that there must be some sort of change, but do we truly know where to begin? Fortunately, we did all the hard work for you. Now all you must do …
Often people in debt find it intimidating when looking for a way out. Monthly minimum payments just don’t work. You feel like you’ll never pay off your debts. You find the best course of action is none, so you just stop thinking about it. This is the wrong …
It seems almost impossible these days to find ways to start a savings. With a bit of ingenuity and effort it is possible to do. Here is a review of five simple steps given by the Federal Trade Commission that are easy enough for anyone to start a …